Direct phone number of our clinic:
+36 1 445 0011If this number is busy please call our central reception number
+36 1 700 3930Address: 1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 126-128 2. emelet 5. és 6.
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Fehérvári Dental Újbuda - Dental Practice
Fehérvári Dental Újbuda, XI. district welcomes you with extensive dental care. We believe that smiles are the shortest way between two people, and therefore the health and beauty of our very important teeth. But beyond aesthetics, healthy and orderly dentures are also important for our health. Our dentists perform their work with expertise, dedication and years of experience, always taking into account the individual needs of the patients.
Fehérvári Dental Újbuda
Complete dental care / Full range of dental care
Fehérvári Dental Újbuda
Special dental prices
49 900 HUF / 2 arches
In-office tooth whitening (Beyond)
8 000 HUF / piece
Orthopantomogram - panoramic radiograph
75 000 HUF / tooth
Metal ceramic crown
20 000 HUF / 2 jaws
Scale removal, polish, dental hygiene consultation
103 000 HUF / tooth
Zirconium crown
195 000 HUF / arch
Removable denture
Our prices
Fehérvári Dental Újbuda
Our dentists

Dr. Ahmed MowlaDentist, Master of biomemetic Dentistry

Dr. Ceglédi LauraDentist

Dr. Lévai ZsófiaDentist

Dr. Nazem BenFogszakorvos, parodontológus

Dr. Erdélyi Vivien GiselaDentist

Dr. Katona NikolettFogorvos

Dr. Németh DorottyaFogorvos

Dr. Aglan EsmailFogorvos

Hellinger KrisztinaFogászati asszisztens

Balog TündeFogászati asszisztens

Sövegjártó HajnalkaFogászati asszisztens

Hegedűs DóraFogászati asszisztens
Our dentists
Fehérvári Dental Újbuda